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About Us
Genius Guruji was established in 2018. We provide Study Materials and Information of Gujarat University. 81,000+ students are connected with us; we are positively replying to every students and try to solve their queries. Many students, teachers and friends are supporting us. We are also giving a credit to them for this growth.
We have a collection of Gujarat University Old papers which can help students to crack their exam. In most cases, students search for previous year papers to understand the paper pattern and how to prepare for the exam. Now, Genius Guruji is one of the best sources of Gujarat University old papers for various courses like B.Com, M.Com, B.A., M.A., BBA, BCA, LLB, LLM, DTP, DLP, etc. in free of cost.
We also Provide a Video lectures of Gujarat University Syllabus for Commerce Stream of B.Com and M.Com through our Android Application. Many students prefer to earn while they learn, but under some circumstances, they do not focus on their studies. In some cases, they cannot afford a proper education to study properly, so we developed a digital course for college students that’s low cost and helps them to learn.

Our Mission
Our Mission is Poor students are easily get study material on very low cost. Most of student are not afford a classes or Tuition Fees.

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Our Faculties

Vipul Nakum

Krunal Mistry

Sweta Nagar

Dhaval Sayata

Abhishekh Sir
Supporting Members